A Blog About Sending Scents over the Internet

Posts tagged ‘digital scents’

Digital Scents and How Smells May Increase Your Appetite

This article outlines the future of digital technology and below is a video discussing the association of smells and appetite.


Cyrano – Digital Scent Technology

Check out this new technology by Vapor Communications

Maybe Smell-o-Vision is too Complicated

So far I have not heard of any significant technologies,although I invite readers to post any news you may have heard about smell-o-vision. It is one thing to put on glasses when viewing a 3D movie at the cinema, but would movie viewers want to put on a mask or some sort of nose gadget for smelling movies. If scents were emitted at theaters without some sort of individual smelling mask, it might be offensive to some who have sensitivity to scents (please view my page on The Science of Smell  for more info on scent allergies).

It turns out that there may be far more than 10,000 odors we can detect.  According to a recent article, the ‘Human nose can detect a trillion odours” . Perhaps having digital scents is not so simple.

I kind of “scents” that not much is happening with digital scents

There is not a whole lot new with smell technology although a Japanese company apparently has “Scentee”, an app for phones to transmit scents:



And here is another technology:


In the meantime, Happy Thanksgiving: